Monday, June 2, 2014

Journal Response 3

Tell me about a character you really dislike in this book. What kind of person is this character,and why is he/she your least favorite? Give some specific examples from the book to help me understand your choice. 

My least favorite character is Captain Ivers. He is a very mean slave owner who owns the main character and his family.  He also is very strict as well. When Daniel's,the main character, dad fought in the revolution and was promised his freedom, was denied by Captain Ivers. Also when Daniels dad ran away he was put in jail by Captain ivers. And when Daniels dad fought in the revolution he got soldiers notes, which he thinks is worth 600$, but after he died by drowning after he got his freedom, the notes were locked away by Captain Ivers. He also was trying to sell Daniel away to the bahamas, because he stole back his soldiers notes. Another thing he did was beat up the Daniel a few times in the story.  Also when Daniel jumped ship into New York, Captain Ivers is hunting him down and will bring him to the bahamas for sure. These are just a few reasons why Captain Ivers is my least favorite character in the story jump ship to freedom.   

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