Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Letter of complaint.

                                                                                                                      Ethan Weiss                                                                                                                                            
                                                                                                                      1525 Covington Road.
                                                                                                                      Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301

May 23rd.

Patricia Chinn,Asstistant Principle.
Birmingham Covington School.
1525 Covington Road.
Bloowmfield Hills, MI 48301.

Dear Mrs. Chinn
          My name is Ethan Weiss, and I am a sixth grader at Birmingham Covington School.  I am writing to say that I think we should have more time in the hall between classes.  Sometimes inbetween classes, I have to go from one side of the school to the other side just to go back to the side that I started at.  By the time I get to my locker from not running its about two or three minutes until class. When I get to my class im late and I get a tardy. It could also be a problem because some people might have to use the restroom, and by the time they get to class they could be late. Also some people might want to socialize inbetween classes, becuase they might not be able to talk to eachother in class, or it might be a kid thats not in one of their classes and its one of the only times they could chat. By the time their done talking it could be the time for the next class and they could arrive tardy. 
For other people they also may not think we have enough time. For the same reasons such as going to the restroom, talking between classes, and not having enough time to walk to there next class and get there things. Just like me they could arrive late to there next class. 
I think as a solution to this problem is that we should add one or two more minutes inbetween classes. Although it isnt much more time it still would be enough to get to your next class,gather your things and not arrive late. It could also give time for a short talk with friends without arriving late. Its also the same thing with using the restroom between classes. I hope that you could add a few minutes inbetween classes.

Ethan Weiss.         

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