Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The sleeping bear dunes.

One day at camp I was very excited because my cabin and another same age boy cabin were going. To the bear dunes. This is one of the things that you only get to do once a year but we were very lucky because we get to go to the bear dunes. We were all ready to go so we started to drive there. When I looked out the window and saw a giant hill of sand and then i said "look its the bear dunes!" Because nobody in my cabin was from Michigan except me. It was probably 95 degrees out. We got out of the car just to hear none of the trippers were coming, only the counselors were going to come. On the first  hill we all started to run and race, I was one of the last ones up. Then I saw most of the group almost on the second hill that was kind of far away. So then I looked behind me and my cabins counselor Alex and some kids in our cabins Elliot and another Ethan were behind me. Then I realized I was one of the only kids smart enough to bring a water bottle,mine was metal so it would keep the water cool the whole time but I only had half bottle. We still walked then when we got to the hill we couldn't see the other group anymore. So we climbed the hill fast it was a tough hill though. When we reached the top the other group was on the top of the third hill which was even bigger then the hill we were on. Then we ran down the hill to get some speed for the hill, Alex said "let's race." We ran although me and Eliot slipped a few times, I was third at the end. When we reached the top we couldn't see the other group anymore. I said "let's roll down this one." At the end I was last and I could feel the sand in my hair. I shook my hair and as I did I saw the samd fall out, some of it still was In my hair but it was better then having all of it. We got up still we couldn't see the other group so we walked. On the 4th hill I saw a wooden sign with blue writing that said " one third of the way to lake MI" so I said "we are on third of the way there." We took a brake all of us were tired and exhausted everyone looked thirsty, I asked "I could take off the top of my bottle and pour water over your guys head?" Ethan and Eliot said "sure" so I grabbed my bottle took off the top and took the bottle and put it over Ethan's head, after he was soaked then I went over it Eliot and put it over his head, after I was done they were both soaked and then I just did the same by putting it over my head. All three of us were completely soaking wet. We got up and started to walk again, we ran and walked we saw a sign eventually just like the other one "half way there" ok half way. It seemed like we've walked miles and miles but we were only have way, then I looked around. I saw the other group they were two hills away. But after walking down the hill we couldn't see them anymore. Alex said "its pretty flat until the ext hill how about we run and try to jump off the hill backwards." We all thought that was a good idea so we tried, some of us tripped on the hill, Alex won again. Another sign you have walked two miles and are two thirds of the way there, so we ran up the hill and there it was we could see Lake Michigan a small bit. We ran down the big hill we were on and then we walked. Three minutes later we saw the other group coming toward us, they said "the trippers want us back at the vans." They walked behind us, Alex said "we can walk for a little bit more." We were only one hill away from the lake, Alex said "time to go back" so we walked back but before doing so we took some pictures together and without of us I front of Lake Michigan. We were at a big hill going Down it. alex said "lets do a few more fun things, lets jump and see who can make it the farthest." I was second! The one third sign was infront of us we walked and walked took a other water brake but kept walking, I forgot who brought this up but one of us said "let's go to seven eleven." Alex said "maybe, it's not my decision." We were on the starting hill, we all said "let's run as fast as possible down this hill." We ran, I was last again. We had done it we had done the bear dunes! Every one of us ran for the closest water fountain. Got a drink of water put our shoes on and went to the van. That was the time I climbed the bear dunes. (we never went to seven eleven.)

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